20110301 论文报告(ElasTraS - An Elastic, Scalable, and Self Managing Transactional Database for the Cloud)(桑成良).ppt
20110301 ElasTraS - An Elastic, Scalable, and Self Managing Transactional Database for the Cloud.pdf
20110301 论文报告(Live Database Migration for Elasticity in a Multitenant Database for Cloud Platforms)(桑成良).ppt
20110301 Live Database Migration for Elasticity in a Multitenant Database for Cloud Platforms.pdf
20110301 论文报告(Scalable Transactions in the Cloud - Partition Revisited)(桑成良).ppt
20110301 Scalable Transactions in the Cloud - Partition Revisited.pdf
20110301 SaaS讨论班纪要.doc