Lei Liu

Associate Professor of Shandong University
E-mail: l.liu@sde.edu.cn
He received MSc. and PhD degrees from University of Bradford, UK in 2005 and 2010 respectively. His works have been supported by National Science Foundation China and Shandong Science Foundation. Dr. Liu has published over 20 papers in high reputed journals and conference proceedings. He is now recruiting highly motivated research students who would like to join the group.


The computer network
Internet application technology

Research Interests

Network performance engineering, software defined network, network public opinion monitoring system


1.The national natural science fund, SDN data surface performance modeling studies (first)
2.Shandong province natural science foundation of China, based on the flow of traffic network performance analysis, modeling (first)
3.The national natural science fund, limited variable capacity communications network performance modeling, analysis and optimization (3rd)
4.Fujian province key laboratory of fund, based on the flow pattern of intrusion detection system (the second)


1. Lei LIU, Shulin Zhao, Zhilou Yu, Hongjun Dai, “A big data inspired chaotic solution for fuzzy feedback linearization model in cyber-physical systems,” Journal of Ad Hoc Networks, doi:10.1016/j.adhoc.2015.07.010.

2. Lei Liu, Xiaolong Jin and Geyong Min, “Performance analysis of prioritized automatic repeat-request systems in the presence of self-similar traffic,” Computers and Electrical Engineering, to appear, online available, Elsevier.

3. *Lei Liu, Xiaolong Jin, Geyong Min and Li Xu, “Anomaly diagnosis based on regression and classification analysis of statistical traffic features,” Security and Communication Networks, to appear, online available, Wiley.

4. Lei Liu, Xiaolong Jin, and Geyong Min, “Performance analysis of an integrated scheduling scheme in the presence of bursty MMPP traffic,” Journal of Systems and Software, 84(1):37-44, 2011.

5. Lei Liu, Xiaolong Jin, Geyong Min and Keqiu Li, “Performance modeling and analysis of deficit round robin scheduling scheme with self-similar traffic,” Journal of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 22(13): 1911-1926, 2010.

6. Lei Liu, Xiaolong Jin, Geyong Min and Keqiu Li, “A comprehensive analytical model of cognitive radio networks employing centralized scheduling mechanism,” the 14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2012), pp. 1179-1184, 2012.

7. Lei Liu, Xiaolong Jin, Geyong Min and Li Xu, “Real time diagnosis of network anomaly based on statistical traffic analysis,” the 11th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-2012), pp.264-270, 2012.

8. Lei Liu, Xiaolong Jin and Geyong Min, “Analytical modeling and performance evaluation of multi-buffer ARQ systems under prioritized self-similar traffic, the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC-2010), pp.23-27, 2010.

9. Lei Liu, Xiaolong Jin, Geyong Min and Jia Hu, “Modelling and analysis of dynamic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks with self-similar traffic,” the 2010 IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom-2010), Miami, USA.

10. Lei Liu, Xiaolong Jin and Geyong Min, “Modelling an integrated scheduling scheme under bursty MMPP traffic,” the 23th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2013), pp.212-217, 2009.

11. Lei Liu, Xiaolong Jin, Geyong Min and Keqiu Li, “An analytical model of deficit round robin scheduling mechanism under self-similar traffic,” the 2009 IEEE International conference on Scalable Computing and Communications (ScalCom-2009), pp. 319-324.